
Jennifer McEuen


My paintings are inspired by a multitude of imagery; using symbolism, abstraction, and figurative elements in my work. In my process, I create from visions I see in my mind’s eye, people that inspire me, and the intuitive information that expresses itself through me when I let go and allow the painting to emerge itself. I see my art as a devotional practice and a key tool for my own personal evolution. I love to explore invisible concepts and apply them through my work. It is my Sacred dialogue with the Universe, An ongoing ritual through paint, and a cherished path of learning. May these paintings be of inspiration to a new sense of being, seeing, and feeling.


Jennifer was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1988. In the earliest years of her life, she lived in Los Altos, California where many of her earliest memories were of her making art. In 1994 she moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. Growing up in Utah, she consistently studied art through out her adolescence, and in 2006 began studying oil painting with BYU art professor Sydney Bowman. In 2006-2007 she began taking independent college art courses with Sydney.

In 2008, she received a scholarship to The Academy of Art University in San Francisco where she looked forward to continuing her artistic education and pursuing her passion for painting. After studying painting at the Academy for two and a half years, Jennifer decided to accelerate her independent ideas of art and began an internship with San Francisco-based artist Hilary Williams whom she worked with for several months. During her experience in the unique city of San Francisco, she was greatly inspired by the diverse and rich culture the city possessed and enriched by the abounding palette of different art forms and unified vision of humanity within the community.

In 2011, Jennifer moved back to Salt Lake City for 9 months and began deeply focusing on her new work as an inspired artist-entrepreneur. During this time, she worked with Shiloh Sophia McCloud and participated in her BLOOMING ARTISTS program where she was able to create a foundation for her art and business. Shortly after the program, she moved back to the Bay Area as a trampoline knowing she was heading to Europe, somehow.

In 2012, Jennifer traveled to Italy to attend the ‘Expanded Visions’ painting seminar to study the renaissance painting technique called the ‘Misch Technik’. Here, she was introduced to this lineage of art with international artists Laurence Caruana, Maura Holden, Amanda Sage, and A. Andrew Gonzalez.

In 2014, Jennifer studied with Philip Rubinov Jacobson and Mantra Cora in Boulder, CO to deepen her study of the Mische technique and to explore the diversity in this lineage. Here, she was greatly inspired by Philip and his way of teaching. She studied with him again in Payerbach, Austria the summer of 2016.

Jennifer has relentlessly exhibited her work in galleries and locations in the United States, such as Salt Lake City, Ukiah, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Berkeley, Denver, Spokane, and Internationally in Brazil, Austria, England, and France.

Currently, she is residing in Southern Idaho; working full time in her art studio, raising her sweet son Tyden; with her loving and devoted husband Ryan.

Jennifer McEuen: CV/Exhibition History
Fine Artist - Western United States
Artist Contact - jennifermceuenart@gmail.com


DEVOTION at Benko Art Gallery in South Lake Tahoe, California 2018

VISIONS AND SOUNDSCAPES Alchemy Coffee in Salt Lake City, Utah  2016


Featured Artist at the Mackay Solar Eclipse Campout in Mackay, Idaho 2017

Featured Artist at the Phaneros Family Campout: Demos, Workshops, Talks in Grass Valley, California 2017

Duo-Art Show StarSeed Studios in Boulder, Colorado 2014

Bicycle Day at the Regency Ballroom: Tribe 13 Art Gallery in San Francisco, California 2014

Duo-Art Show Artbeat Salon & Gallery in Berkeley, California 2014

Featured Show: SnowGlobe Festival in South Lake Tahoe, California 2012

Featured Show: IAO GALLERY in Salt Lake City, Utah 2008


Visionary Muses // Creatrix Unveiled Group Exhibition at the Threyda Gallery in Denver, Colorado 2022

LOVE with Dreams & Divinities Gallery - Online Exhibit 2020

SPIRIT FEST with Dreams & Divinities Gallery - Online Exhibit based in England 2020

TINY VISIONS II at the Hive Gallery in Los Angeles, California 2019

Dreams & Divinities Gallery - The Sacred Deer Group Exhibition at Château de Comper in Brittany, France 2018

TINY VISIONS at the Hive Gallery in Los Angeles, California 2018

Auspicious Music & Art Exposition at the Acacia Mansion in Ojai, California 2017

Celebrating All That Is Feminine at Studio Eleven in Salt Lake City, Utah 2017

Visionary Art Exhibition at House Of Alchemy in Brighton, England 2017

Tarot 8 at The Hive Gallery in Los Angeles, California 2017

LEGACY OF LIGHT at Castle Gloggnitz in Gloggnitz, Austria 2016

Group Exhibition at Benko Gallery in South Lake Tahoe, California 2016

Grand Opening at InSight DeLight in Spokane, Washington 2016

Chromophore Show with Tribe 13 Gallery at Gem and Jam Festival in Tuscon, Arizona 2016

MAPS - HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup with Phaneros Gallery in Daly City, California 2015

LA ART UNDERGROUND in Los Angeles, California

Totem Sol at ZODIACS in Petaluma, California 2015

Bicycle Day at The Warfield with Tribe 13 Art Gallery in San Francisco, California 2015

Ascension Group Show Knew Conscious Gallery in Denver, Colorado 2014

HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup with MAPS Gallery in Petaluma, California, 2014

HOW WEIRD Street Faire in San Francisco, California 2014

New Bohemia NYE at The Armory in San Francisco, California 2014

Group Exhibition Buddhist Arts Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah 2013

Pancakes and Booze Art Show at 111 Minna in San Francisco, California 2013

Psychedelic Science Conference with MAPS Gallery in Oakland, California 2013

1st International Arte Visionara in Campinas, Brazil 2013

Lucidity Festival with Branches Gallery in Santa Barbara, California 2013

Group Show at Ancient Harmony in Denver, Colorado 2012

Emergence at Tribe 13 Gallery in Ukiah, California 2011

ELEMENTS at Art Discovered Gallery in Downtown Grass Valley, California 2012

Group Show at Constant Creation in Santa Cruz, California 2012

Grand Opening Art Discovered Gallery in Downtown Grass Valley, California 2012

HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup with MAPS Gallery in Los Angeles, California 2012

Immaculate Perceptions at 708 Venue in San Francisco, California 2012

KNOWPHEST Gallery with Temple of Visions & MAPS in Los Angeles, California 2012

R.A.W The Blend at 111 MINNA in San Francisco, California 2011

CHILLIN' PRODUCTIONS at Mezzanine in San Francisco, California 2011

Group Show at The Gray Wall Art Gallery in Salt Lake City, Utah 2011

Group Show Tedda Hughes Gallery & Boutique in San Francisco, California 2010


ABunDance Gem & Jam LA Pre-Party - Los Angeles, California 2017

Grateful Generation - ABunDance - Los Angeles, California 2016

Enchanted Forest Gathering - Mendocino, California 2015

HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup - Petaluma, California 2014

Bicycle Day - Fillmore West - San Francisco, California 2014

Enchanted Forest Gathering - Mendocino, California 2013

ELEMENTS Festival - San Diego, California 2013

HIGH TIMES Cannabis Cup - Los Angeles, California 2012

SnowGlobe Festival - South Lake Tahoe, California 2012

KNOWPHEST Gallery - Temple of Visons - MAPS - Los Angeles, California 2012

Brilliantly Mad - Chicago, Illinois 2012


A Legacy of Light (Generations of Vision) Catalogue, Authors: Philip Rubinov Jacobson and Mantra Cora, 2016

Dream Wheels, Author: Della Burford 2014

Berkeley Fiction Review, Berkeley English Department 2012


'Old Masters New Visions' Mische Technique Seminar with Philip Rubinov
Jacobson & Mantra Cora in Payerbach, Austria, 2016

'Old Masters New Visions'
Mische Technique Seminar with Philip Rubinov Jacobson & Mantra Cora in Boulder, CO, 2014

'Expanded Visions' Mische Technique Seminar with Amanda Sage, Maura Holden, A. Andrew Gonzalez & Laurence Caruana in Torri Superiore, Italy, 2012

Blooming Artists program with Artist & coach Shiloh Sophia Mcloud 2011

Studied Fine Art painting at The Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California 2008 - 2010

Art Business Apprenticeship with Hilary Williams in San Francisco, California 2010

Private Fine Art College painting course BYU with Sydney Bowman in Murray, UT, 2006-2007